Enjoying the sunset, a warm cookie, and a cold glass of milk...
A few years ago, I came home really upset (from what I no longer remember), not knowing what to do, I decided to bake. I told my brother to find me the best chocolate chip recipe online and I would make them. He searched, printed one out and handed it to me. When I read over the recipe, I was a little confused. 1.) It called for bread flour, something I was glad to find in my parents’ pantry, 2.) There was more brown sugar than white sugar, and 3.) The butter was melted. Any time I had accidentally melted the butter instead of softening it, I got flat cookies. I meticulously followed the directions, because I believe that baking is a science. Low and behold, fluffy masterpieces arose from the oven. Now, I prefer a chewy, chocolate chip filled cookie, if you prefer a thin, crispy one, this cookie isn’t for you. Maybe try this one instead. But if you want a big, chewy, fluffy cookie, look no further because this one is the best.